
In this theme, stakeholders narrate the challenges / problems faced by the industry. Here we see how the challenges inform or help explain the presence or lack of professionalism.



Challenges By:

Nachie Omumbejja
Its a great opportunity we have here with this research to address some of the issues concerning the huge skills gap in the film and television industry in Uganda and East Africa as a whole. Whats needed now are people willing and ready to act upon it...I think its a great opportunity for investors like universities willing to bring these courses and traders willing to ship the equipment needed to take the industry to the next level, a lot of marketing needs to be done as well and social media is a great platform as many people are communicating through it now. the government needs to put in place conducive policies to let this industry grow and and thrive though
Thank you for your time and comments Mumbejja.
moses sozi;
Thank u so much for the good work you do for Ugwood and m n films Africa . Oh God ,our films need much much more training before acting ,we need our own tv station , that shows only Ugandan films and adverts, We lack good locations, good cameras,costume s etc so if we work together as a team Hollywood and ugwood we can produce good films ,
Ugandans love Hollywood films than Africa films reason being Hollywood films they do much advertisements than Africans
so the Govt needs to help us

Dr Chris Adetunji (@christunji)
There're challenges everywhere, even in the Western world. However, as B. Ndawula hinted above, Internet access could provide a major mitigating factor against a vast majority of the challenges, as then, citizen productions could easily thrive on alternative media like social media.
Solome Katasi Head of Department Performing Arts Kyambogo University
1. Lack of funding opportunities
2. Limited training of lecturers
3. Lack of a proper film structure and infrastructure
4. Piracy
5. An underdeveloped distribution/exhibition system
6. State censorship
7. Lack of support from the media
8. Competition from Hollywood

Alice Lubwama
I do agree with Solome on these points.
In addition to sustainable and continuous development of professionalism faculties must utilize resources and take on contracts that generate income as they train students. The startup kits are expensive yes, so if funds are solicited externally to support the initiative under the university at the start we need to see a plan for continuity after funding period

Alice Lubwama
Most times the production quality requires practice and without facilities to do this many students or those with interest are frustrated by the many attempts to perfect their work without any professional support in Uganda.
My recommendation would be to have a dedicated faculty of learning to support.

Gershom E:
Thank you Alice for your participation. The recommendations are noted and will be instrumental in the professionalisa tion process.
B.Ndawula engineering student at kyambogo university
Here in Uganda internet access is still a challenge and it’s costly but otherwise this project presents an opportunity for interested parties to engage in solving practical skills in film production
Gershom E:
Your comments are very helpful and will be considered as we together explore solutions to professionalizi ng the Ugandan Film & Television media production industry.
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