Historical Background

In this theme, when asked to describe the Ugandan film and television industry, pioneer participants give in-depth account of the Ugandan film & television industry chronicle.



Historical Background By:

Nachie Omumbejja
To get all the participants in this research to participate in it and to produce these findings is just top niche! Great work Mr Kimera
Prof. Elisha Semakula
I do want to thank the researcher Mr. Gershom Kimera for focusing our attention to the timely topic of Uganda Film Industry, a neglected orphan. This is my response to the significance of this research.
1. Uganda is a land locked country with land size of 93,000 sq. miles; and over 40 million people. It serves as an economic hub for several neighboring countries. This then describes the strategic location that Uganda occupy s' if the film industry can be developed.
2. The Uganda Institution of Film Industry landscape is characterized by a strong invasion/presence of Hollywood and Nigerian Nollywood productions; dramatic change in in technology ; lack of government governance strategies; local universities failure to produce skilled graduates.
3. Uganda needs to solve the financial challenges with incentives, interventions like public ally funded institutions as well as production, technological innovations such as projection, color, content, and resolve cultural and industrial

Gershom E: up838594@myport.ac.uk
Thank you Prof. Elisha for your comments / contribution, they will be vital in the professionalisa tion process and in part answer the research question.
Thanks Gershom for this documentary highlighting the background and status of Ugandan film industry. I like the fact that you were able to interview the different stakeholders ranging from the Film Practitioners and Regulators. The Film industry in Uganda has a lot of potential to create employment, promoting Uganda's cultural identinty, heritage, and tourism.
I thus commend this project and encourage the different stakeholders including Government to give the Film industry due attention through Funding to enable it achieve its full potential.

Gershom E: up838594@myport.ac.uk
Thank you for your comments / contribution to this research.

Paul Mukasa
This online documentary by Kimera Gershom about Ugandan Film Industry is a well researched project .He has tried to capture key stakeholders in the Industry such as Film makers, Trainers ,Communication regulators ,policy makers and lawyers.They highlight and identify problems facing the Industry such as lack of the neccessary training and skills,lack of Funds,lack of a proper framework for the distribution and exhibition of films, Classification, piracy and Copyright issues among others.Film being a nascent Industry in Uganda,proper identification of the problems facing the Industry will be a major step in identifying solutions.
Gershom E: up838594@myport.ac.uk
Thank you Paul for your comments. Your continued participation will be very instrumental in the industry professionalisa tion process.
Jackline Nabiryo
The quality of these video clips is outstanding. They are clear and well segmented. Good Job Mr. Kimera
Gershom E: up838594@myport.ac.uk
Jackline thank you for your comments and you are welcome to contribute further on what you think should be done to professionalize the Ugandan Film & Television media production industry.
Chris 'Tunji
These video clips are definitely not made from smartphone cameras. The quality is outstanding. In addition to good gadgets, as one of the interviewees mentioned, the professional dexterity of the person handling the camera determines the quality to a great extent. That's something that has set these clips apart. Well done, Gershom. You're bound to be a great producer/director.
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