Solutions & Recommendations

In this theme, participants narrate their feelings and thoughts about what they think should be done to professionalize the industry and how it should be done.

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Recommendations By:

Lovely work. Congratulations
Dr. Chris Tunji
I agree Ritah's comment above: "telling our stories our way". That's exactly what has made Bollywood and Nollywood flourish.
very well done. God bless you for the research
God bless you for conducting this research Rachel
Gershom E:
Thank you Rachel for visiting and contributing to this research project. You are welcome to comment more on how you think the Ugandan Film and Television industry should be professionalise d.
Ritah Anastacia
The Ugandan film industry has a lot of potential, we just need to be able to tell our stories our way the world will notice. But if this is implemented we could go a long way.
Gershom E:
Thank you Ritah for your comments. As the study continues, attention will be paid to the points you have made.
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